APP Delaunay
The Delaunay circle
Exhibition that captures a moment of bubbling creativity for the Delaunay couple
The development of the app extended the life of the exhibition and took it beyond the museum walls, making it available to a wider audience.
Sonia Delaunay titles the period spent in Portugal as “The Great Holidays” (June 1915 to January 1917). For Robert and Sonia Delaunay, this period of time was one of intense work, with peace and tranquility possible in a generalized conflict environment.
In Portugal, the Delaunay couple will experiment with encaustic painting. Halpert, Viana and, in Manhufe, Amadeo, experiment with this technique, obtaining layers of more saturated, velvety colors, which in the case of the Delaunays' painting contribute to a greater vibrancy of simultaneous contrasts.

For this project, an application was developed to accompany the exhibition, providing information and additional contextualization.
It is a catalog reissued in a digital version (App) with the resources that multimedia has to offer.
The main objective of this application is to show the chronological facts of the period to which the exhibition refers, contributing additional context to the exhibition. In the app you can find a selection of twenty works by the artists that make up the app, accessible in a simple and attractive way.
One of the main features is the possibility of a quick, playful and simple search for content, responding almost immediately to questions from exhibition visitors.