Spain Dive
The new diving destination
Discover Spain's captivating underwater environment
Spain Dive is a company run by frequent divers who promote Spain as a diving destination. If you are coming to Spain on holiday and want to find out more about diving, the Spain Dive website is the ideal place to plan your dive.
The Spain Dive team knows what goes on during a diving holiday or how difficult it is to get the details right when you are abroad. Spain Dive offers everything a tourist needs to know when they go to another country and want to dive.
But above all, Spain Dive will guarantee a worry-free diving plan in Spain, as their motto “We care, you dive!” makes clear.

THE PROJECT is a platform with the largest national database on diving sites in Spain. It offers the entire diving offer in Spain and allows you to make the corresponding reservations. The website aims to promote diving spots, taking advantage of this involvement to sell trips, stays, and diving programs.
It is aimed at divers who already have some experience and aims above all to capture leads, given that sales are asynchronous.