The Purpose Journey
Purpose of people for people
Purpose as fuel to increase productivity
Pur’ple is a consultancy that builds purpose and creates impact for a better world. The company exists to build business solutions that help you achieve your purpose through people.
The client aimed to challenge individuals and organizations to embark on a reflective journey to identify their purpose, with the goal of improving business inefficiencies.
The second part of the challenge involved the need to transform the questionnaire into an interactive and immersive experience, accompanied by music.
The development of a "purpose by people" website was implemented and carried out for the New Normal agency.

"From people to people" was the core concept of this project. The presence of music at various points in the site's navigation was not a naive choice. Music activates various areas of the brain, and can even induce actions, thoughts, and emotions.
Upon registration and login, users are invited to select an element—earth, water, air, or fire—that resonates with their current state of mind. This choice initiates an immersive journey. Subsequently, users are prompted to complete a questionnaire. All responses are carefully evaluated by the Pur'ple team and a personalized report is emailed to the user.