Federação Portuguesa de Golfe
Digital Ecosystem
Strengthen the positioning of golf as a sport
Within the scope of the macro strategy defined by FPG, together with Deloitte Consulting, Mindshaker presented a collaboration proposal in the digital side, focusing on several different pieces.
The ecosystem was translated into an app to promote Portugal as a golf destination par excellence (through georeferencing, all national golf courses were mapped, as well as the existing infrastructure around each golf club), on the new institutional website, at a website dedicated to competitions (given the extensive annual calendar), a website dedicated to training (the spectrum of training at FPG is vast - athletes, coaches and referees) and a website for attracting new golfers (associated with the National Golf Initiation Program “9 and ½ Weeks”, reinforcing FPG’s communication channels).

The new platforms represent significant improvements to the interface and user experience. Its development was carried out by a specialized team that designed the customer journey based on all touchpoints, adjusting them to improve the browsing experience.
A Content Marketing approach was adopted, with multiple platforms acting as content hubs, together with a Backlinks strategy.

In 2016 there were just over 14 thousand members and in 2019 the year ended with 15.6 thousand, an increase of around 10%. Today there are more than 19,000 members, an increase of around 36% in 7 years.
Naturally, many offline and online actions have contributed to achieving these results, but the digital strategy designed jointly with Mindshaker and the digital ecosystem that was born from it, as a result of its implementation also carried out by Mindshaker, made many of these numbers gain and continue to gain expression.
João Pedro Oliveira
Head of Marketing and Communications at FPG

The development of the Portuguese Golf Federation's new digital ecosystem resulted from a long and complex project, where the competence, professionalism and availability of the entire Mindshaker team involved were absolutely critical. The commitment they assumed, from the very beginning, confirmed the excellence of their service, which we already knew from previous projects, but of different dimensions. Personally, I have no doubt that we could not have chosen a better partner for this challenge.