Vitorinos Seguros
The digital age of insurance
It’s time for insurers to seize the opportunity of digital transformation
The new Vitorinos Seguros website was built with a focus on conversions and easy interactions for the user, so that it is simple to get a quote, simulate insurance or talk to a professional.
Vitorinos Seguros is a Life and Non-Life insurance broker, with over 50 years of experience. In 2021, it updated its image and reinforced its digital presence to attract business through the website, without leaving aside physical stores.
Vitorinos Seguros wanted to establish itself and explore the diversity of its portfolio among current clients, as well as invest in repositioning to help it reach new clients. Vitorinos Seguros hired the “Alfred” agency to recreate the brand and prepare it for the future. In partnership with “Alfred”, Mindshaker was the digital agency selected.

The market analysis showed that the future of insurance companies would necessarily involve digitalization, the use of artificial intelligence and working with data to customize products. Vitorinos Seguros wanted to prepare itself for this evolution, taking the opportunity to be part of the group of “transformers” by innovating the Brand, bringing it to a world that is already digital, of Processes, facilitating interactions and Customer Relationships, making -its focus in 360º.

One of the key success factors is adopting a multi-channel approach (especially when obtaining leads). It therefore made sense to create a transformation roadmap that clearly defined what to do, how to do it and when to do it. This involved balancing priorities, sequencing and prioritizing initiatives: new website with simulators, click-to-call and private customer area, landing pages by product type to target campaigns, content marketing (earned media / paid media) and CRM.